

We Are On A Mission


Is sending large files or collaborating real time  with Chinese colleagues is still a challenge, no matter what VPN or Cloud Service you use? 

NiHao Cloud is the only most advanced, yet most simple Cloud Storage, that focuses on cross-border China data transfers. We optimize your data transfer routes, so any business or person can access files in mainland China without needing to use VPN and upload files to overseas servers for speedy global access. 


NiHao Cloud是唯一最先进但最简单的云存储,专注于跨境中国数据传输。 我们优化您的数据传输路线,因此任何企业或个人都可以访问中国大陆的文件,而无需使用VPN并将文件上传到海外服务器,以便快速进行全球访问。

 We Are a Bridge to China 


We Understand You


We understand that storing files across clouds can get complicated. We support cross-cloud file syncing so you can still work with your favorite cloud storage and use NiHao Cloud as a bridge to China. 

我们知道跨云存储文件会变得复杂。 我们支持跨云文件同步,因此您仍然可以使用您喜欢的云存储,并使用NiHao Cloud作为通往中国的桥梁。

NiHao Origins 


We are a German cloud provider, with infrastructure built outside of China – in Asia Pacific countries (Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia & etc). Our staff is based in Berlin and Shanghai. 

我们是德国云提供商,其基础设施建在中国以外 – 亚太地区国家(韩国,日本,新加坡,澳大利亚等)。 我们的员工位于柏林和上海。

We Value Privacy


We value privacy by encrypting all data by default and encouraging double encryption from users. No governments including those of US or China can get their hands on any data.

我们通过默认加密所有数据并鼓励用户进行双重加密来重视隐私。 包括美国或中国在内的任何政府都无法获得任何数据。

Core Mission


Our core mission is to provide stable & speedy cross-border file sharing experience for individuals and businesses. 


What Our Customer Say…





然后我尝试勒Nihao Cloud,事实证明它非常快。到目前为止,这是我发现在印度尼西亚快速开展工作的唯一云解决方案。

广告设计业- 北京


我们需要将大量视频及文党文件来回发送到国外客户端。我们尝试过各种云提供商,但速度太慢,无法工作。 Nihao对我们来说效果不错,档案从未受到影响,所以推荐给其他国内团队!

在线教育业 -南京


在使用你好云之前,我们要把文件共享到国外,是满慢而且复。现在已经没这问题,基本上是比较满意的,我也会把Nihao Cloud推荐给其他国内小型国际小公司。

Our Journey


We have started as internal IT side project within IBB I&C- a German IT provider in Shanghai and Beijing. As an IT company we had our internal cloud, that seemed to work within China & Germany quite decently. Many customers have asked us if they could have a similar setup for their company as well. We said sure, but to create a whole new cloud infrastructure just for 1 customer was not cheap nor fast. 

As we kept on getting more and more inquiries for similar setups, we realized we need to find a better way to provide faster setup and more affordable prices. In 2016 August, we started with IBB Cloud, which took another 18 months of experimentation to reach most efficient state for China cross-border cloud, that could spin off in a few seconds. 

Lastly, IBB Cloud has separated from its parent company and rebranded itself as NiHao Cloud on November 1st 2017. 

我们已经开始作为IBB I&C的内部IT方面项目 – 在上海和北京的德国IT供应商。 作为一家IT公司,我们拥有内部云,这似乎在中国和德国非常合适。 许多客户都问我们是否可以为他们的公司设置类似的设置。 我们肯定地说,但是为一个客户创建一个全新的云基础架构既不便宜也不快。

随着我们不断对类似设置进行越来越多的查询,我们意识到我们需要找到一种更好的方法来提供更快的设置和更实惠的价格。 2016年8月,我们开始使用IBB Cloud,它进行了18个月的实验,以达到中国跨境云的最高效状态,可以在几秒钟内完成。最后,IBB Cloud已与其母公司分离,并于2017年11月1日更名为NiHao Cloud。

Since We Started


Since we started, we have improved our data transfer speed and added advanced data sharing features for everyone.








Meet Our Team


Do you want to know who is working behind the scenes? Meet our core founders that range from experienced China cross-border IT experts, to Cloud Infrastructure & Security experts that lead our development teams. 

If you have questions we have China cross border IT expertise in various fields, feels free to drop us a line and we will gladly share our knowledge. 

你想知道谁在幕后工作吗? 与我们的核心创始人会面,这些创始人包括经验丰富的中国跨境IT专家,以及领导我们开发团队的云基础架构和安全专家。如果您有任何疑问,我们可以在各个领域拥有中国跨境IT专业知识,请随时与我们联系,我们将很乐意分享我们的知识。

Do You Have Questions?


Get in touch with us!  Our Super diligent customer support will get back to in a few minutes!

Our help center also contains lots frequently asked questions, just type what you looking for and find your answer 

请与我们联系! 我们超级勤奋的客户支持将在几分钟内恢复!我们的帮助中心还包含许多常见问题,只需键入您要查找的内容并找到答案