Best Way to Quickly share files to China
Discover New Cloud Storage that Delivers Fast & Effectively
If you have a business, between Chinese and global teams, efficient collaboration is a key to your growth. There’s no greater asset than a Cloud Storage that has 26 languages and works in China without VPN.
What most people don’t realize is that you need speedy collaboration in China which is extremely important.
Using our system, you’ll be taking the right steps from day 1. And you won’t only share files quickly and effectively, but also make happy employees (and future customers) right away.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Hello, Nihao cloud service is available in the Chinese Mainland?
Yes its available in China and it works fast without needing VPN. It also have Chinese language to make it easy to use for Chinese colleagues.
Can I use NiHao Cloud in the United States?
Yes of course! NiHao Cloud Servers are located in Asia Pacific area, therefore is accessible globally, anywhere on the planet with world wide web access.
Does NiHao provide same service like goole drive or dropbox?
Yes we are similar to other cloud file sharing services such as dropbox, box or google drive. We are not as fancy, but we do the trick for cross border China connection.
Why NiHao Cloud is not blocked in China?
NiHao Cloud is focusing on only China-Overseas connection. Our servers are based outside of China with special lines to China.
Does NiHao shares files with china government? Does the government keep a copy of sensitive business files?
Absolutely not. NiHao Cloud servers are not located in China, therefore no one gets access to your data. Even more so, even NiHao engineers cannot access your data. Our software is created for enterprises with highest security standards.
How much free space I get on Free Version?
On Free by default you get 1GB storage space. You can invite friends and get extra 100mb per each new sign up or participate in surveys/testimonials and earn extra GB.
How to Upgrade to Pro version? How much does it cost?
Professional version starts with minimum 50GB Storage space and 3 users for $39 in total. Later on you can upgrade space and users as you go. Each additional user is $9 per user. Buying more than 50 users can get a discount. Storage costs $20/month per each 50GB chunk at the moment, but prices fluctuate according to the market.
What features do I get on Pro version?
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