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We Help Business Owners to Understand Their Data So That They Can Grow Their Business Faster

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What Insights NiHao Consult Provide For Paid Members?

NiHao Consult membership provides valuable insights on your business performance. We measure all your sales & marketing efforts combined with all the data available online. 


Every Month you receive tons of data from your marketing and e-commerce platforms. We help you to understand all of your data with beautiful, easy to read reports


We analyze your email automation campaigns, identify where your messaging needs better targeting and provide precise segmenting based on your user persona


Writing great copy on your blog is not enough. We help you to prepare specific keywords and content ideas, that will resonate with your target audience and bring qualified leads. 

NiHao Consult Member

Within 2 months using NiHao Consult insights our business sales grew more than 300% and helped us understand our customer better. 

Matt Spencer

What Other Customers Say: 

John Doe

Web Designer

NiHao Consult helped us discover what changes should we make to our Chinese Website, so that site loads faster in mainland China and increases conversions. 

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